Health Screening
Health Screening Form: Health Screening Online Form
HEALTH SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE protocol: our office now includes screening ALL patients for most illnesses that may be contagious, not only COVID-19. This applies to other respiratory viral or bacterial infections, etc.
Please let us know a week in advance of your appointment if you have any special needs or require assistance.
This information is current as of May 1 2024. This page will not be updated regularly. It is best to call/text us at (970) 349-2095 or email us at for questions or current office information, as policies may change. Current patients will receive any relevant new information before scheduled appointments.
Our goal has always been to provide a safe outpatient medical environment with the lowest possible risk for infectious diseases. We have made important changes in our office infectious disease protocol to drastically reduce small & large droplet diffusion and to eradicate virus and other contagious particles from the air and surfaces. Our goal is to protect you and us from contagious exposures by keeping our environment healthy and reducing stress on immune systems. Even if you test negative for COVID-19, please understand our need to keep our office safe, as we request you stay home if you are contagious.
About 24-48 hours before your appointment, staff will ask you to complete our screening questionnaire and report your temperature online, on the phone or by text or email. If any of your answers are "yes", you must send us a copy of your completed questionnaire within the required time before your visit, which staff and/or Dr. Spector will review and determine if you are cleared to come or if we need to ask you to reschedule.
MASKS: All patients, accompanying people and staff are required to wear KN-95 or N-95 masks the entire time they are in the office. If you do not have one, please let the office know BEFORE your appointment and we will provide KN-95 masks for you and your children over the age of 2. Children age 2 and under are not required to wear face coverings/masks.
WASHING HANDS: After entering the building, please stay in the waiting area and wait for Dr. Spector or staff to take your temperature and verify your screening. All patients and accompanying people will wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds in the restroom. This can be repeated as needed during their visit and also after the visit before leaving the building.
Below is general information about our office policies. We comply with, and in some cases are more cautious than, Colorado State and Gunnison County Public Health Orders, always with your safety in mind.
1. All patients are screened for symptoms and relevant history for every appointment. If you answer "yes" to any of the questions, you need to be cleared by staff or Dr. Spector before you can proceed to your appointment, otherwise we may ask you to reschedule.
a. Before your appointment: As long as you've been cleared for your appointment and there are no changes in your screening responses up till your appointment time, you are fine to come. If there are any changes in your screening responses before your actual appointment, you must notify us so we can determine if your appointment needs to be cancelled. At the beginning of your appointment, staff or Dr. Spector will verify your completed questionnaire and temperature will be taken.
b. There will not be a charge if you need to reschedule due to a determined risk.
2. Only patients themselves and persons necessary for their care or safety may come into our office, e.g., parent with child, caretaker, person necessary for history-taking or with need to communicate with Dr. Spector about the patient's care. No other unnecessary persons (siblings, friends, other family members etc.) may come into the office and should either stay home or wait outside within a vehicle. No persons shall wander around the premises outside the building.
3. Our schedule is staggered with extra time in between patients so we have time to disinfect the office to minimize interaction between unrelated patients. The waiting room will be empty when you enter, except for Dr. Spector and staff.
4. All patients, accompanying people and staff are required to wear KN-95 or N-95 masks the entire time they are in the office. If you do not have one, please let the office know BEFORE your appointment and we will provide KN-95 masks for you and your children over the age of 2. Children age 2 and under are not required to wear face coverings/masks.
5. All people are asked to maintain a social distance of 6 feet or more when possible. Exceptions are same family members between each other, and the proximity between Dr. Spector and the patient when necessary during the visit.
6. Disinfecting and hand washing:
a. After entering the building, please stay in the waiting area and wait for Dr. Spector or staff to take your temperature and verify your screening. All patients and accompanying people will wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds in the restroom. This can be repeated as needed during their visit and also after the visit before leaving the building.
b. Hand sanitizer: We ask you to disinfect your hands in your vehicle before entering the building. Hand sanitizer will be available in waiting area, bathroom and treatment room and can be used frequently by patients and accompanying people as needed.
c. Dr. Spector and staff maintain strict and constant disinfection of their hands, including hand washing before and after all patients and more frequently when necessary, with frequent use of hand sanitizer. Gloves will be worn when necessary.
d. Dr. Spector and staff complete a screening questionnaire and temperature check themselves on a daily basis prior to seeing patients. If we get sick we will take the necessary precautions and cancel work if necessary.
e. Disinfection of office surfaces will be performed after each patient, using the most natural and non-toxic products identified on the official EPA "N-list of products with emerging viral pathogens AND Human Coronavirus claims for use against SARS-SoV-2." Surfaces disinfected include office hard surfaces such as the treatment table, door handles, armrests of chairs, edges of doors, handles, credit card machine, iPad, phones etc. which will be wiped down or sprayed with a disinfectant mentioned above between patients and as necessary.
f. There will be no magazines, toys or other optional objects in the office according to recommended safety guidelines. If your child needs a favorite toy or object, please bring one or two with you that have been disinfected.
7. Optimal air quality measures: Dr. Spector will maintain good air quality by having windows open when possible to provide fresh air and high quality ventilation. We also provide office air purification with the use of air filters and other air cleaning devices, to limit the airborne spread of any virus. We know that when air can move freely, infection risk is significantly lower. Good air quality is an important anti-viral strategy.
a. Both our waiting room and treatment room have industrial-grade, state-of-the-art high-efficiency HEPA filters that capture 99.97% of the droplet and particulate matter in the circulating air. This especially filters large and small-droplets that carry viruses exhaled from breathing, coughing, and sneezing with short and long-range transmission. They also remove the dust that can piggyback with any airborne virus.
THANK YOU for helping us to keep safe. We appreciate your cooperation and don’t hesitate to ask the office any questions.